Understanding Facebook Insights

Your Guide to Understanding Facebook Insights
Facebook insights provide information about the performance of your Facebook business page. This helps you develop an understanding of how your content is resonating with your audience and how your social media strategy is performing. From here you can measure the kind of return you are gaining on each post and make any necessary changes to your strategy.

So, what are Facebook insights?
Building a digital presence on social media platforms such as Facebook is a great way to build customer awareness. After all, if people don’t know about you, how can they become your customers? After developing your social media strategy, you’ll have a plan in place to reach your target audience and develop your presence online. But before you dive into the wonderful world of Facebook, you’ll want to invest some time into understanding your Facebook insights and what they tell you about the effectiveness of your current strategy.
But let’s be honest, insights like these can sometimes seem over-complicated and confusing!
No worries, we’ve got you covered!
Here is your simple guide to understanding Facebook insights.
Terms you might see frequently on you Facebook insights:
- Page Views: The number of times your page has been viewed. This can include views from Facebook users, as well as those not logged into Facebook.
- Page Likes: How many Facebook users have liked your page or post.
- Actions on Page: This measures the actions of users visiting your Facebook page, such as visiting your website.
- Post Reach: The number of people who have seen your post.
- Post impressions: This term can often be confused with reach, however the two are different. Impressions are the total number of times your content has been seen. For example, if a person views your content more than once.
- Post Engagement: How many people liked, commented, shared, or reacted to your Facebook post.

If you are sharing video content on your Facebook page you will also have video insights so let’s break those down too:
- Minutes viewed: The total amount of time spent watching your videos by all users collectively.
- Video views: The number of times your video has been viewed for longer than three seconds.
- Audience retention: How long the video is holding the attention of your viewers, specifically how long they are watching your video for.
- Engagement: The total number of likes, comments, and reactions on the original post and any shared posts.

So now you understand what all these funky terms mean, how can you use them to your advantage?
To help narrow down what key insights you are looking for, develop some questions and reflect on your social media goals before analysing your data. This helps you not get lost and overwhelmed by the large amount of information, keeping you on track to finding all the answers you need.
Once you have analysed your insights try to identify key patterns. For example, if your social media goal is to drive traffic to your website, you might be focused on what content is getting you the most link clicks. What you are looking for is all dependent on your business’ own goals and what you are trying to achieve by being on each social media platform. From here you will be able to use your Facebook insights as a tool for developing your social media strategy and creating content that develops a positive relationship with your audience.